Use PayPal to Buy Your Membership

You can use PayPal to purchase your ConCertino 2018 membership. There are two payment options, you can either pay the standard membership rates and purchse your membership or you help the con out by paying the cost of the membership + the transaction fee that PayPal charges MASSFILC. Please consider helping the con out and covering the transaction fee. Just pick the "Buy Now" button that you want to use.

You will need to do a separate transaction for each membership you are purchasing.

Membership + covering the PayPal fee -- OR --   Membership
Membership Type
Member Name
Badge Name
Membership Type
Member Name
Badge Name


Premier Membership: $150 (with PayPal Fee $154.70)
Full Membership (Pre-Reg Standard) - Age 25 and up - August 1, 2017 through June 1, 2018: $65 (with PayPal Fee $67.20)
Full Membership (Pre-Reg Youth)- Ages 13 - 24 years inclusive: $45 (with PayPal Fee $46.60)
Child Membership - Ages 7 - 12 years inclusive: $15 (with PayPal Fee $15.75)
Kid In-Tow Membership - Age 6 and below: Free
Supporting Membership: $25 (with PayPal Fee $26.00)
Prices will be higher At The Door.

To convert a Supporting membership to an Attending membership, please contact registration2018[at]concertino[dot]net for instructions.



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