Please send registration forms and songbook submissions to:
18 Cottage Avenue
Arlington, MA 02474

E-mail songbook submissions to songbook2015[at]concertino[dot]net.

General questions regarding the convention can be sent to concertino2015[at]concertino[dot]net.


The members of the con committee are:
Gary McGath (Con Chair, Hotel), hotel2015[at]concertino[dot]net
Gary Ehrlich (Publications)
Paul Estin and Beth Runnerwolf (Guest Liaisons)
Denise Gendron (Songbook), songbook2015[at]concertino[dot]net
Rachel Goggin (Con Suite)
Joe Kesselman (Advance Registration, Sound)
Ellen Kranzer (Treasurer, Dealers' Room)
Spencer Love (Sound)
Paul Mangan (Proofreader and Expert Nitpicker)
Ben Newman (Programming)
Roberta Rogow (Dealer Liaison)
Hillary Sherwood (Web), webmaster2015[at]concertino[dot]net
Craig Stanfill (Publicity)
Harold Stein (Audio CD, Sound)


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