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ConCertino 2006 Guests


Mike Whitaker
Guest of Honor


Guest of Honor Mike Whitaker took part in his first filk at Camcom ‘85 in the UK. He became hooked on filk at the 1987 UK Worldcon,where he met “a whole bunch of US filkers.” Since then, Mike has chaired the UK filkcon Contabile, released several solo albums inluding Shattered Dreams and The Oak the Rowan and the Wild Rose, and been a founding member of the UK filk-rock band Phoenix. For fun, Mike plays in Fleetfoot Mike, a Fleetwood Mac tribute band.Come hear Mike,and you may just be treated to a surprise duet with he and his equally talented wife Anne Whitaker.


Mary Crowell


Toastmistress Mary Crowell lives with her husband,Wesley,and their son, Simon, in Athens, Alabama, where she is a teacher of piano,yoga,and music appreciation. She was introduced to filk music by Karen Murphy and John Brewer who paid her way and drove her to her first filk convention — GaFilk 2001. Mary has written several torchy songs like Magnus Retail, blues songs such as Legolas, and some that defy description like The Song Will Tell Me True. A member of the filk trio, Three Weird Sisters, she is currently recording a solo CD with Greg Robert on the Bedlam House label. Mary’s sultry vocals and jazz piano chops are sure to keep your feet tapping throughout the weekend.


Bob Leigh and Mabel Liang
Honored Listener Guests

Honored Listener Guests Bob Leigh and Mabel Liang come to filk from the folk communities of New England. They have been avid listeners of filk for over 10 years, having attended Concertino ‘95 as their first introduction to filk. At Concertino, they found good music, a welcoming atmosphere, the fun of Interfilk auctions, and thought “Ah, we’re home! Where have we been all our lives?” Lovers of parodies, Bob and Mabel’s personal songbook draws heavily from the folk tradition and contains a vast array of silly songs and songs that poke fun at traditions.Come share your parodies with them or ask them to share theirs with you.


Nancy Louise Freeman (from Arizona)
Interfilk Guest


Interfilk Guest Nancy Louise Freeman is a singer/songwriter, who performs mostly her own original songs along with some cover tunes and parodies. Among her home filk community in Arizona, she is best known for her blues singing. Nan also writes and plays in a variety of styles including folk-rock,country & western, and ballads. She has written a fantasy filk opera, Stardust County ,which she hopes to get into the studio “one of these days. ”






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All information on this site copyright 2005 - 2006 by M.A.S.S.F.I.L.C.
Last updated 16 May 2006